Autotuner Autotuner Flasher tool SLAVE version

Autotuner is a latest automotive OBD flasher tool generation designed for chiptuning professionals. Whether you already possess a diagnostic tool or not Autotuner design quality and ease of use is made for you.
Autotuner Autotuner Flasher tool SLAVE product information:
Autotuner is a universal tool able to read information from most ECUs and microcontrollers available on the market in boot tricore Infineon (BSL) or via the OBD diagnostic socket.
Autotuner Flasher tool Slave version includes:
- Autotuner Flasher Slave (Tool)
- Carrying case
- Probe
- OBD cable
- BOOT cable
- USB cable
- Universal cable + universal box
- USB key with drivers
- Power adapter
- Probe Positioner + testprobe and cable
- Free updates
10 Free Tuningfiles
(Note: these 10 Free Tuningfiles are only available if the slave is linked to the Master version of ChiptuningFiles-Service.Com).
€ 2.900,00 Excl. VAT Incl 10 free credits